Printalyzer Enlarging Timer
At its core, this is a timer for a darkroom enlarger. However, it is a lot more sophisticated than a simple clock. It is an “f-stop style” timer that adjusts time in stops of exposure, and also has sophisticated print metering capabilities.
The enlarger meter probe measures projected light at the enlarger’s baseboard.
It lets you meter print exposures, and calibrate enlarger timing for repeatable results.
Note: This page discusses a product that is currently in development. Everything about it is subject to change prior to market release.
Watch an introduction to the project, showing an early prototype of the device and an overview of its capabilities.
(Note: This video was originally created prior to the establishment of Dektronics, Inc.)
Product Features
F-stop style exposure timing, with adjustable increments
Burn/dodge exposure support
Configurable test strip creation mode
Print exposure metering, with visualization of the tonal scale
Enlarger profiling for more accurate and repeatable timing
Paper profiling, to support print metering against the full characteristic curve of your printing paper
Blackout switch, to enable full absolute-darkness usage for color printing
Graphical display that can reconfigure itself to improve usability across various modes of operation
USB port for connecting a variety of useful peripherals:
Enlarger meter probe for baseboard exposure metering (included)
Keyboards for more easily typing user-friendly profile names
Densitometers for more easily inputting profile calibration values
Thumb-drives for backing up configurations and upgrading device firmware
Footswitch connection for hands-free operation
IEC-style power connectors, for global plug compatibility using off-the-shelf power cords and adapters
DMX512-compatible expansion port, for control over user-designed enlarger and safelight hardware
Note: Metering and paper profile features currently only support B&W printing.